Despite repression, public resistance remains strong, marking a defining moment in Georgia’s democratic struggle. Georgia stands at a crossroads, facing a choice between preserving its sovereignty and the Euro-Atlantic path or falling deeper under Moscow’s influence. The resilience of the Georgian people and international support will be critic
Furthermore, Georgia relies entirely
However, Georgia has become heavily dependent on Russia for liquefied petroleum gas controlled by Moscow-backed enterprises. Furthermore, Georgia relies entirely on imported petroleum, and current trends show that Georgia is becoming more dependent on Russian oil products such as gasoline and diesel again, which wasn’t the case a few years ago. I
architect of the two-state solution
It is curious that the ANC is so friendly with Hamas’ main sponsor and Hamas itself, which is dedicated to a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Officially, the ANC still supports a two-state solution and is closer to the Palestine Liberation Organization – the co-architect of the two-state solution – than to Hamas. Phiri obs
insurgency is evolving beyond the state’s
This crisis has prompted renewed attention to the underlying political issues in Balochistan. Former Balochistan chief minister Akhtar Mengal recently stated, “There is not a single inch of Balochistan left where the government can claim authority. They have lost this war—completely and irreversibly.” Mengal’s statement suggests the insurge
their guidelines from al-Qaeda’s
South Asia has already witnessed the emergence of new jihadist groups. According to sources, many of these militant groups in South Asia draw their guidelines from al-Qaeda’s ideology and tactics, despite many being Deobandis while al-Qaeda adheres to Takfiri-Salafism. Al-Qaeda popularized the notion of Ghazwa-e-Hind to capture the imagination an